We all want to stay fit, but we all have time constraints. When it comes to priority, health always is behind money, and no matter what people say or claim, it is going to remain like this only. However, if you are a person with a strong will, then you can maintain a great balance between your work and health. There is a plethora of workout equipment available on the market, such as Elliptical, treadmills, recumbent bikes, inversion tables, and so many others. If you have a big budget, then you can also invest in a home gym, which will have a wide range of fitness machines to help you get back in shape. Out of all the aforementioned machines, if you ask me as to which is a complete workout machine, then I’d say ‘Elliptical’ because it helps you in multiple ways. For a complete body workout, the elliptical is the best thing that you can invest in. To know as to which are the best elliptical consumer reports, you can go through the reviews of six best elliptical machines in the section below.

Reviews Of 6 Best Elliptical Machines

1. Body Rider Elliptical Trainer and Exercise Bike

best elliptical consumer report

A highly versatile machine, Body Rider Elliptical can also be used as an exercise bike. If you love the cardio workout, then this is a ‘must buy’ machine for you. Treadmills are effective, but they can be boring at times, so if you want to make your workout fun and exciting, then invest in a machine like Body Rider Elliptical Trainer.

It won’t put much stress on your knee joints, thus letting you focus on shaping the upper body. The unit incorporates all the features that you are most likely to see in an elliptical, however, the inclusion of a chain-driven fan will surprise you. This fan throws a gentle breeze to keep you cool as you work out on the machine. The working of this elliptical is quiet and smooth, so your neighbors won’t feel a thing even if you are indulged in a rigorous workout session.

The unit comes with a seat, which can be adjusted horizontally as well as vertically, thus allowing people with different height and bodyweight to sit comfortably. The resistance level can also be increased and decreased using the given tension knob. Besides the superlative, price is another reason as to why this unit is so popular with fitness freaks because it is cheaper than most elliptical machines that are available on the market.

2. Schwinn A40 Elliptical Machine 

best elliptical consumer report

When you challenge yourself to get in shape in a specific period of time, Schwinn A40 Elliptical helps you complete that challenge. Its large display helps you to track your fitness data such as your speed, distance covered, time, calories burned and heart rate. In this machine, you will get seven default preset programs from which you can select the program that you think is good for your workout regime. With eight resistance levels, you can choose to increase your strength or stamina. After using the machine, you can easily move it to a corner of the room. As far as warranty is concerned, then the company provides a 2-year warranty on the frame and six months warranty on parts.

3. Stamina In-Motion Elliptical Trainer 

best elliptical consumer report

Where all the aforementioned elliptical machines consume a decent amount of space in the room, this elliptical, on the other hand, is compact, easy to use and highly effective. The machine weighs just 37 lbs and is an excellent unit for those who want to work out at work during breaks.

Despite being lightweight, the unit is high on durability, thanks to its steel construction. This foot-pedal-only unit is designed for the lower body to work out, but without putting any pressure on hips, knees, and ankles. An electronic monitor has been installed into the unit, which keeps a track of your strides, exercise time and number of calories burned. There are many excellent features included in this machine such as non-slip pedals, electronic adjustment of resistance levels.

Coming to the downsides of the unit, then the inability to work out the upper body and arms is one, and the problem of tall people using this unit is another. The short stride length makes this elliptical unsuitable for tall people.

4. ANCHEER Elliptical Machine Trainer 

best elliptical consumer report

An ideal workout machine for fitness enthusiast of any level. The unit is constructed using tubular steel, which makes it stable and long-lasting. This elliptical machine consists of 8 levels of magnetic resistance adjustments, which allow a fitness freak to choose from basic intensity to advanced level.

The machine allows you to plan and record your fitness stats with the incorporation of advanced LCD digital monitor through which, you can see your speed, time, distance, calories burned and target zone heart rate monitoring. You can do a workout on this unit without disturbing anyone in the house, courtesy of a V-belt drive and precision-balanced flywheel. This excellent elliptical can be a great addition to your home gym if you have one.

Working out on this machine will not make your knees vulnerable, as more focus will be given to the upper body. The elliptical features large and durable pedals with ridges that prevent your feet from slipping. It can easily accommodate the weight of up 330 lbs, but even then, it can be moved from one room to another easily, so the combination of lightweight and durable going excellently in this elliptical. The company offers a 3-year warranty on the product with a free replacement on parts.

5. Aceshin Elliptical Machine Trainer

best elliptical consumer report

An excellent choice for those who want to workout at home, as this elliptical machine offers 8 levels of magnetic resistance adjustments just like the previously reviewed model. Even the material used in constructing this elliptical is ‘Tubular Steel’, thus assuring users of its strength and durability.

Handlebars of the unit are equipped with ‘Pulse Pads’, which let users monitor their heart rate. You just need to set your fitness goal, and this machine will help you achieve those. The unit is packed with many incredible features such as digital monitor along with large window display where you can see your heart rate, calories burned, speed, distance and time, elbow-mounting device and transport wheel for easy maneuvering. The unit supports up to 250 lbs of weight, plus the inclusion of large pedals with ridges ensures firm foot grip.

6. ncient Elliptical Machine Exercise Trainer

best elliptical consumer report

Now, this is going beyond coincidence, as this elliptical too has 8 levels of magnetic resistance. It surely has to be a standard feature in all elliptical machines. You can adjust the level using the tension knob, so rotate the knob to go from beginner’s to advanced level, and rotate the knob in the opposite direction back to the beginner’s level.

The unit features a 13-inch non-slip pedal, which ensures seamless workout, better stability, and comfort. Moreover, the unit has the capability of accommodating a person having weight up to 250 lbs. You can easily track your speed, distance, time, calories burned and pulse rate easily, thanks to large and clear LCD digital monitor.

Moreover, a ‘Pulse Pad’ has been included in the stationary handlebars that monitor heart rate. The operation of this elliptical is smooth and quiet, courtesy of balanced flywheel and V-belt drive. You will not have any problem moving this machine from one corner of the room to another as it doesn’t weigh too much.

How to Choose The Best Elliptical Bike

To choose the right elliptical bike you need to consider several elements.

Structure of the Elliptical Bike 

The features you find on all elliptical bike models are the pedals, the handlebar and the flywheel with the resistance. All are mounted on a body that looks like an exercise bike without a seat and a register that serves to adjust the intensity of training by intervening on the resistance of the flywheel.

The pedals have two alternating platforms on which the feet are placed in order to exercise the strength of the legs. The flywheel is connected to the pedals and serves to keep the pedaling movement constant. The handlebar helps you to stand and train, where the rods are expected to move the arms and chest muscles, thanks to an alternating movement of thrust and traction.

Finally, there is an LCD screen where you can see all the information related to your exercise, including resistance. One of the great advantages of the elliptical bike is, in fact, the possibility of adjusting the intensity of the training, thanks to the resistance.

Elliptical Bike Resistance 

Anyone who has ever used a bike knows that riding uphill involves more effort. An effort that in the elliptical bike is simulated with a system that opposes resistance to movement on the pedals. It acts on the flywheel causing more strain, with a consequent increase in the training of the engaged muscles.

Resistance and the ability to regulate its intensity are an indispensable feature of the elliptical. The simplest ones have a mechanical type of resistance, a kind of buffer that acts like a brake that presses more or less strongly depending on how much the adjustment knob is turned.

The more sophisticated ones, on the other hand, have a magnetic or electromagnetic resistance, which is automatically adjusted by a digital panel. These have, compared to the manual ones, greater precision and a wider choice of resistance levels, in order to allow a much more precise training.

Stability of the elliptical bike 

Another important feature of the elliptical is stability during training. Although the chances of a machine losing its balance at the time of rigorous workout seem to be pretty low, but one can’t rule it out completely.

The structure of the elliptical you choose must be of good quality, sturdy and heavy enough to remain firm no matter how hard you are exercising on it. It must not only be stable, but also comfortable and able to withstand people who go out of ordinary averages, both in terms of height and weight.

The pedals must be safe and sturdy, so as to avoid giving stress to the knees and feet of people with a heavy build. In short, a good elliptical, which is able to train a person over 220 lbs, can weigh up to 110 lbs and have a footprint of over one meter.

The flywheel of the Elliptical Bike 

Now let's see another very important element of this bike called the flywheel.
The flywheel is the center of the elliptical. A heavy metal wheel to which the pedals are connected. Its function is to make the movement imparted to the elliptical from the legs to the pedals regular and constant.

Its weight varies from about 9 to 15 lbs or more. Obviously the heavier the flywheel, the more the motion tends to continue with regularity and constancy, and the more the machine is stable. You can find three types of the flywheel, namely the mechanical one, certainly noisier and less loose, the magnetic one, more fluid and silent, and the electromagnetic one.

This is much more precise than the first two, both in controlling movements and fatigue. A choice that is optimal for both intensive training and rehabilitation therapies. The flywheel can be rear or front.

If you choose the one with the flywheel placed in the back area you have an elliptical bike that is excellent for a run type stride, or fast walk, and a smaller footprint. When the flywheel instead is placed in front you have the possibility of a wider stride with greater performances.

The handlebar of the Elliptical Bike 

The handlebar in the elliptical is used to support the body, and to harmonize the movements of the arms and torso with that of the legs. The motion is alternated; in fact when a foot goes down the handlebar of the opposite side moves.

However, you can choose to use them by keeping them firm and working more on the buttocks and legs. On the handlebar, you will find the control panel and its screen. In simple terms, there is only a single timer and the other commands are manual. In the more complete ones, you also have a series of control functions, activated by the heart sensors placed under the palms of the hands.

In an equipped car, in fact, you can find information about the training times and the distance traveled. The average number of calories burned and heart activity. The difficulty level and the possibility to compare the results with the averages of the period. You can also set up an activity program that activates automatically.

Elliptical Bike Programs 

In some elliptical bikes, you can activate a preset program. In practice, if you ask yourself to do activities for a set period of time, or to move for a certain number of kilometers or to burn a precise amount of calories, it will be up to the program, present on the bike, to regulate your activity accordingly. Some bikes also have a program called HRC, which regulates the intensity of the exercises based on the heart rate. In this case, you have to have the sensors on the handlebars or mount a heart control strap on your chest, or arm, and connect it to the program.

Dimensions of the Elliptical Bike 

When you buy an elliptical, you must also evaluate the space you can dedicate to it. In fact, this machine is more complex the more space it takes. The market also offers folding elliptical machines, but they are not particularly stable.

In this case, you will have to evaluate the possible options, because, if you want a bike that is performing to the maximum, you have to take the one with the front flywheel, which is the most cumbersome and the heaviest.

On the other hand, the inclusion of wheels on these machines let you easily move and store these in a corner of the room when not in use. It is an excellent choice, as long as the wheels are mounted in such a way that they do not affect the stability of the elliptical during the exercises.

If the elliptical bike you need to integrate physical activity, which you probably already do elsewhere, all you need is an economic elliptical that, if you don't have a lot of space, you can choose from the folding ones.

Same choice if you need to recover from a period of inactivity. If you want to change the activity in the gym, and you don't have much time to devote to the sport, then get an elliptical with a rear flywheel, magnetic, stable and of good quality.

Check that you have the wheels if you also need to move it to a corner when you are not using it. If you want to do an intensive and monitored activity, take an elliptical with a 33 lbs electromagnetic flywheel, mounted on the front, and equipped.

Summing Up

Your body is your temple, and you must take care of it more than anything else. If you are not in the best of the physical shapes, then you should get an affordable and effective workout machine to get back in shape. One such product is elliptical, which I have reviewed in detail in the above sections. You just have to pick one elliptical out of the six that are given on the list of best elliptical consumer reports. The sooner you take the decision of buying an elliptical, the sooner you will progress towards a healthy and fit life.

Read more: Best Electric Bike Reviews