Taking shower. The moment you turn on the shower and feel the stream of water falling on your head, you surely would feel great. However, did you know that taking a shower straight from the shower could pose health risks? I’m sure you haven’t thought about it, but that’s true. Water coming out of the shower contains chlorine and some other elements, which can harm your hair and skin in a way you couldn’t even imagine.

Water coming out of the showers contains more toxins than drinking water, which is why you need to do the needful, i.e., install the best shower filter that could eliminate all the toxins from getting in contact with your body. Now, you would be interested in knowing as to which the best shower filter is. You can use RO filtered water for brushing your teeth and even in water flosser, but the same can’t be done for bathing.

Well, there are quite a few options available on the market, quite enough to confuse you. However, you can get right to the product of your choice if you go through the best shower filter consumer reports, in which I’ve reviewed seven top products.

Reviews Of 7 Best Shower Filters

1. AquaBliss High Output Universal Shower Filter

best shower filter reviews

The best-selling product on Amazon, this showerhead filter is specifically designed to eliminate the impurities found in hard water. It incorporates a 3-stage system consisting of KDF-55, Active Carbon and Calcium Sulfite. The shower filter is apt in capturing heavy metals from the water such as chromium, nickel, mercury, and lead besides other impurities like Chlorine and Chloramines. It also prohibits the growth of fungi and bacteria in the water.

With the removal of hard metals from the water, you will find your hair strands becoming stronger along with less hair loss. The exclusion of chlorine from the water will improve your skin quality and physical health. The kind of price this showerhead filter is available at, it will definitely be your first choice because the product is doing everything that you would want a showerhead filter to do.

The cartridge of the filter exhausts after you’ve consumed 10,000-12,000 gallons of water or roughly 6-8 months. The company also refunds all your money if you are not satisfied with the product and want to return it in within 30 days of making a purchase. Moreover, the company offers a 1-year warranty on the filter just in case, anything happens.

2. AquaBliss High Output 12-Stage Shower Filter

best shower filter reviews

This incredible shower filter is being sold like hotcakes and there are plenty of reasons behind it. First, the shower filter comprises of a 12-stage filtration system that will eliminate all the impurities present in the water and revitalizes damaged hair and skin. Each of the 12 stages has been assigned a different task, which in totality provides you with clean and safe water for bathing.

Another great thing about this shower filter is its ability to fit all types of showerheads. Along with that, it consists of a cartridge that will remain in use until you consume 10,000-12,000 gallons of water or around 6-8 months. The company is offering a 1-year warranty on the product along with full refund in case you’re not satisfied with the product and wishes to return it within first 30-days.

3. AquaHomeGroup 15 Stage Shower Filter For Hard Water

best shower filter reviews

With a 15-stage filtration system, this showerhead filter can assure you regarding the safety and cleanliness of the water coming out of the showerhead holes.

Water passing through 15 stages becomes 100% safe for bathing. This filter will remove all the impurities in the water, let it be chlorine, chloramine fluoride, heavy metals and other harmful elements, which could cause various skin and hair problems. The filter can be placed over handheld, overhead, combo and rainfall showerheads, thus making it a versatile unit.

Another great feature about this shower filter is its ability to remove all the harmful elements from the water without reducing the water pressure. This filter acts a water softener, purifier, and moisturizer, thus making your skin soft and glowing.

4. AquaHomeGroup Shower Filter

best shower filter reviews

This is another shower filter with 15-stage filtration, but there is a difference between this and other filters. When it comes to removing chlorine, chloramine, heavy metals, ammonia smell, bacteria and pesticides from the water, this filter is highly proficient, but along with that, it also comes with vitamin E and C remineralization, which is something that you won’t find in other shower filters.

Your body will get the benefits of Vitamin E and C as you take the shower, so you can expect to have a stronger hair strand, less hair fall, dandruff, and healthy & glowing skin. The filter is capable of decimating the growth of algae, mold, and scale, thus saving you from a number of health issues such as asthma, bronchitis, dry & itchy skin, dandruff, and eczema.

The filter doesn’t reduce the water pressure, as it comes with a wide spray showerhead with laser cut holes. As far as the duration of cartridge goes, then it will be exhausted after you consume 10,000 gallons of water or in roughly 5-6 months. The maintenance cost of this shower filter may force you to reconsider the product, as it is around $90 a year. Besides that, everything is just incredible in the shower filter.

5. Barclay’s Buys Filtered Showerhead

best shower filter reviews

If your aim is to buy an inexpensive yet efficient shower filter, then Barclay’s Buys have just created a product for you. Made up primarily with plastic, the unit is extremely light. Sporting a simplistic design, you can set up this shower filter on your own. Even changing the cartridge of the filter is not that difficult. The company is not just selling a shower filter, but the entire set that comprises of a showerhead as well.

You just need to install the showerhead and the filter will start its operation, i.e., barring all the harmful elements such as heavy metals, chlorine, and chloramine from getting in contact with your body. The filter does all of that without reducing the water pressure, which flows at 2.5 gallons per minute. The filter is quite effective against chlorine, courtesy of calcium sulfite filtration method. The filter works for around 8 months and then, you can replace the old filter with a new one. The company offers a 1-year guarantee on the product, just in case the unit malfunctions.

6. Pure Action Filtered Shower Head

best shower filter reviews

For a refreshing bathing experience, you can install this filter above the showerhead because it will clean up 90% of the harmful minerals from water, thus giving you clean and safe water. This is a smart shower filter, which provides you with an optimum water flow even when the water flow coming into your home is low. Therefore, you get two benefits; high water pressure and low water consumption. The water pressure can be adjusted to three different settings, which are; powerhead, rain, and massage. Moreover, the company is offering a lifetime warranty on the product, so if anything goes wrong with the water filter without your fault, then you can get in touch with the company representative for repair or replacement.

7. Dewifier Water Softener Shower Filter

best shower filter reviews

A great option for those who want all the contaminants in the water, but aren’t interested in spending too much money. The product is affordable, plus its maintenance cost is also not that much, thus making it an ideal option for those running on a tight budget. This is not just a highly efficient unit, but a good-looking one as well. The filter doesn’t just get rid of the contaminants in the water but also makes the water softer. The complete decimation of chlorine in the water will make you jump in joy. Using this shower filter will definitely improve the quality of your hair and skin, but then, there is one drawback, which you will have to deal with, i.e., low water pressure.

Why Do You Need A Shower Filter?

Various studies have indicated that the most common reason behind dry and itchy skin, weak hair strands, hair fall, and dandruff are the water that runs in our houses. And, I believe you know what is present in the water running in our houses that is causing all those problems. Those are heavy metals, chlorine, chloramines, and many other harmful elements.

Water before coming into our homes is disinfected with chlorine and chloramine, as these elements are beneficial to a few aspects of our health, but when it comes to the health of our skin and hair, these elements are not at all advantageous. Moreover, water is passed through pipes, which may corrode with time and cause chemical reactions. As a result, the water develops a bad smell or taste, and in some cases, rendering water unsafe for consumption. 

To remove heavy metals like mercury, lead and so on, Chlorine and chloramine are added in the shower and showerhead filters, but then, these elements become dangerous for hair and skin. Even if you have installed a whole house water filter system, you can install a shower filter in order to remove the elements, which escaped the whole house filter system. This is why you need a filter, which not just removes heavy metals from the water, but chlorine and chloramine as well.

What Are The Criteria For A Good Shower Filter?

If you are a person who prefers to do your own research on the products you want in the house, then you can take a look at the following factors prior to buying a shower filter.

Filtration Measures

Shower filters incorporate different filtration stages to remove different elements. Therefore, you will have to figure out as to what elements you need to filter out of the water and only then, you should make the right selection.


Shower filters contain cartridges, which don’t last even a year, so you will have to keep in mind while buying a shower filter. If the cartridge doesn’t last even 6 months, then you should give it a pass and look for a filter whose cartridge lasts for more than 6 months.

Replacement Filters

You don’t want any trouble finding extra filter cartridges for your shower filter. If you buy a brand new shower filter set and want to keep using it for a long time, then you need to check whether you are able to find replacement cartridges for that filter easily or not. Only buy a specific model of shower filter if you are able to find a replacement cartridge easily. 

Practical Use

A shower filter should perform all the functions it is meant to do. If you want to be sure regarding the efficiency and operational capabilities of the shower filter, go through online reviews given by other customers.

Chlorine Or Chloramine

For many decades, chlorine is used as the main disinfectant for treating water. However, in recent years, companies have switched to chloramine for removing harmful elements from water because it works for a longer duration and doesn’t leave foul taste and smell in the water. Chloramine is safer and more efficient than chlorine, but it may lead to eye, skin and respiratory problems.

Wrap Up

As there is no surety about the quality and safety of water, you must install a shower filter over the showerhead in order to ensure the water is clean and safe for consumption. While buying a shower filter, you need to consider two things, with the first one being the type of filtration system a shower filter should have and the second one being the selection of only a shower filter or a shower filter and showerhead combo. I’ve considered both things while making the list of 7 best shower filter consumer reports. You just need to go through the list and pick the shower filter, which you think would remove the harmful elements present in the water coming in your locality.